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good AK74's for modding?

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anyone know any good ak74's that have a high compatibility range with aftermarket parts such as hand guards, stock adapters, stocks, magazines and pistol grips?


looking to put a magpul MOE stock, a SAW style grip and an RS47 handguard on it.


ive been looking at these:






any other good ones? preferably metal ones.




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If you want compatibility with real gun components then look at E&L, or LCT. Everything else is a bit hit or miss.

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Same here and that's I'm also getting an AK this month :D


Have a look the cyma ak vfc clones ones are mostly steel all over.

Here a list what ones are vfc andthe other are TM clones. New models should be steel also but double check.



From what I read the VFC version can take real steel parts and there lots of airsoft parts anyways.


If you want magpul already on then I think you mite like this. (also in tan)










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