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AR15.com Gunstruction

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Recently came across this nifty little program - Gunstruction. A bit like Pimp My Gun, but beefed up in full 3d with a sh*t ton of options.


A DMR/Sniper build I came up with from an M4 platform, utilising a monolithic upper receiver and rail system, match trigger, 24" barrel and other little gizmos for it to pack some punch for a 5.56
And an LMG with a vented free float handguard, iron sights, high capacity drum mag and heavy barrel.

At the end, a little 7.62mm carbine I call The Boombox!

Share your builds!

M4 sniper.jpg




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Yeah, its pretty nifty. I discovered it a few weeks back and love it. Much better than Pimp my Gun imo.

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