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G&G ICS MP5 feedback

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Hi, I'm keen to get a long term favourite gun of mine as a backup / CQB gun... An MP5 SD.


In an ideal world an SD2 but I can always swap out the selector set for a SEF unit down the road.


For the record I have owned a CA Pro MP5 and it wasn't bad but nothing to write home about.


Also I have owned a lot of ICS guns over the years, they've always been reliable but mags can be a PITA and do have semi issues sometimes.


Hence my interest in the G&G blowback AEG, the top level one, TGM / toptech.


Ive never owned a G&G period, I know that their buckings are pretty epic but that's it.


The most recent ICS MP5/MX5 SD2 (not the 3rd split box mosfet models) seem to perform well in reviews so if it comes to it I'll prob settle with this.


Any long term hard founded info on the G&G?


They are pricey new, there's not many if any for sale 2nd hand so that tells me either they are the shiz and no one wants to get rid of them OR they are trash and no one bought one lol!


Cheers all

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