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Guns Designed 4 Fun? (Not Replicas)

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11 minutes ago, popup said:

hmm There is this x-industrial site that is now surrounded my residential houses at the front and to one side. how ever but for the front gates and at the back where there is a fence with a view of railway track and ball sports on the other side of railway. no one can see whats happing on the industrial site. we know the owners. So i was hopping to have a private game before it all gets demolished. i can put screens over the front gates and back fence saying game in progress. would that be ok? or would the games have to stay indoors/outofsite? or is just too close to public? its a large site.

You would need to start with permission 


Otherwise you’re both trespassing and committing a firearms offence



With permission you can do it providing everything is at a safe distance from any access, and if there is a road or footpath alongside 


Screening may help, but is not enough if something can go over it



Anything shot will need to remain inside the boundary


The landowner / person giving permission, and anyone doing any organising takes on responsibilities for what happens and if anything goes wrong 


The residential element could cause problems if people are disturbed and complain, or if someone notices you and thinks something suspicious is going on


A little nod to the local bobby of what’s going on would help in case someone calls in dodgy people playing with guns on disused property 


Events have been run in disused property with the right permissions 

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