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CM16 SR-L, Raider 2.0 or ARP9

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So I’ve narrowed the pick for my first airsoft gun down to 3, the CM16 SR-L, Raider 2.0 or ARP9.

Im wanting to know if anyone has any experience with any of these guns and if they are worth the money, especially the Raider 2.0 as there isn’t much on it ATM as it seems to be new out. Here are the links:

CM16 SR-L: http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-m4-m15-m16-variants/g-g-combat-machine-cm16-sr-l-black.htm#.WiBNNHqnyhC

Raider 2.0: https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/gg-combat-machine-aeg-cm16-raider-l-2-0e-etu/

ARP9: https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/gg-cm16-arp9-cqb-aeg-carbine/


I appreciate any help on this.

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Google G&G ETU problems... The ARP 9 reviews well, and in all likelihood the actual internals of the three guns are probably almost identical. The fly in the ointment is the electronics. If G&G have eliminated the issues that people have had with the Mosfet and controller failing, then they could all be a good choice... But that's quite a big 'if '.

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8 hours ago, Hangtight said:

Google G&G ETU problems... The ARP 9 reviews well, and in all likelihood the actual internals of the three guns are probably almost identical. The fly in the ointment is the electronics. If G&G have eliminated the issues that people have had with the Mosfet and controller failing, then they could all be a good choice... But that's quite a big 'if '.

Thanks for the help.

because the raider 2.0 is new im guessing the ETU would be fixed, do you know anything about the raider 2.0 itself as there isn’t much online

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  • 1 month later...

Raider 2.0 is pretty decent for the price, I like the styling of it although I changed the stock on mine as I didn't think the PDW one suited the longer barrel length shame the front rail is polymer but it is solid 


I have 3 G&G guns with mosfets my earlier GC16 model failed after around 6-9 months of frequent use, my Raider 2.0 and ARP both have mosfets that look similar but currently work fine on an 11.1v lipo not sure if they updated them though.


All 3 guns you linked have identical internals except the ARP and Raider 2.0 use the new rotary style Hop up unit.


I like my ARP 9, yeah it has mags that only fit that gun but its not just another M4 



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I'd avoid the arp for a single reason: mags!

A couple of teammates have it and it's an awesome gun, but the magazines are a pita to get here and they're quite expensive as well..


Go for one of the other 2, even though I constantly see new G&Gs having their electronics repaired too often..

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