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Fire-support Customs

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Hey guys. I've recently got into airsoft. I just got my self a new and shinny Marui Hi-Cap Gold Match. Now I am wondering if anyone brought a fire-support custom gun? I am thinking about getting a https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/firesupport-custom-ics-ebb-cxp-ape-cqb-tan

Are there customs gun worth the extra costs? Do they come assembled or in parts? Are they worth it? Thanks for the information.

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Hi mate, great choice on the TM gold match, it's my best performing pistol in my collection and that counts custom built ones too lol.. 

I can't answer your question on fire-support custom guns, although the one you linked looks very nice indeed, but if you ever have any hi-capa questions let me know I will either have a video on it or can answer your question. 

Happy Shooting. 

ATB Marc 

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It looks like they've just bundled together an ICS Cxp ape and some accessories, it your choice do you buy a bundle or choose your own accessories.


That might be a good deal, you'd need to total the cost of everything if you bought it all individually, id say just buy a gun you like and customise it how you like it.


It imagine it would come in the standard box and you'd have to put the attachments on yourself, but I don't know. 



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