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What is best ak i can buy for under £400?

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You can get a LCT AK for under £400, in my opinion they're some of the best. Depending on model and retailer you might be able to get an E&L for around there, but personally I'd for for LCT. Large range to choose from, and they're all full steel/real wood (if you get a wood model). Internals are great too, I've never so much as opened mine and it's never let me down.


Example of an AK74 I found with a quick Google:



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1 minute ago, Greg147 said:

You can get a LCT AK for under £400, in my opinion they're some of the best. Depending on model and retailer you might be able to get an E&L for around there, but personally I'd for for LCT. Large range to choose from, and they're all full steel/real wood (if you get a wood model). Internals are great too, I've never so much as opened mine and it's never let me down.


Example of an AK74 I found with a quick Google:



That is a nice ak you have linked thank you. But the fps seems to high for my site rules. Is it easy to change the spring in this gun?



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I find that AKs generally come apart without any problems, so accessing gearbox should be easy enough. I can't say for certain whether that AK has a quick-change spring or not, but I'd guess not. I've not seen an LCT one with quick change before. So you'd have to open up the gearbox, but there are loads of YouTube videos out there showing how to take apart a Version 3. Alternatively, you could take it to a local shop to have a look at.


If you can find an LCT from a UK site that might be better, as they'd probably do it prior to selling it, but I had a quick look now and most appear to be out of stock. unfortunately. 

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On 9/19/2017 at 8:18 PM, teragaxu said:

That is a nice ak you have linked thank you. But the fps seems to high for my site rules. Is it easy to change the spring in this gun?



gun-fire can do a free downgrade for you if you type in the comments section when ordering the AK from them. just let them know that it requires sub 350fps and they will downgrade it for free. 

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