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SR4 Mamba from Just BB guns?

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  • Head Moderator

No, no, no.  Use the search tool, 3 character minimum length, and do some research and reading about the shop and gun.  We generally recommend not buying from any shops with BB in their name; all airsoft guns are BB guns but not all BB guns are airsoft guns.  Also have a read of the pinned (sticky) posts on the forum.



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yeah i agree with jedi, bbguns4less or justbbguns are not somewhere i would recommend people buy from, you might get the gun you ordered But that will be as far as it goes, most of their unbranded or cheap branded guns are rubbish and if you get a good branded gun then their after sales service will let them down, 100% choose a 'proper' airsoft shop over them..


surplusstore, firesupport, milspecsolutions, jdairsoft, or zeroone, these are just a few.. :)


ATB, Marc..

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