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Looking for advice on a sniper sling..

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I don't have an l96 but I use one of these on my kc-02 that is almost as long I would think




it uses push button quick releases so you would need to buy new mounts, a quick look on the eBay and a glue/screw in mount for the stock and an ris mount For the front would set you back no more then  a fiver. The sling has a comfy but not to bulky padding around where it would sit on you shoulder but the real usp is you can switch between one-point or two-point almost instantly.  Imo this is useful on a long gun as you can use the 2point when wanting to sling it over your shoulder and use 1point in situations when you may have to quickly switch to a pistol and just want something to "catch" your rifle and leave both hands free 

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