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any info and worth of Marushin electric Uzi

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hey, I'm new to forum stuff but I thought maybe you could help shed some light on this. 

I have a Marushin electric Uzi and I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about them and how much its worth. It's mostly complete and does work but its sat unused for years. Thanks

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I have one of these, pretty old school now, bought it around 2002 iirc. The internals I believe are unique to this AEG including the gears (cast, not steel), hop design etc so repairs could be a problem if it goes wrong, that said mine still works ok but of more use in CQB than woodland, FPS around 270 last time I chronoed it.

I would class it as a collectible, but honestly couldn't see it being worth a lot? I imagine spares / mags etc are non existent nowadays.

Its worth mentioning the guys at Componentshop put a battery pack together for mine a couple of years ago (as again its a non standard 7 cell / 8.4v NiMh), just in case you need one.

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mine still works but It could definitely do with a new battery and a bit of a fettle as a friend had a look at it and put something back in backwards lol. its a shame that its so hard to find parts for as id like to restore it but I can't find anything for it and its just sitting unused. maybe Il find someone who wants to buy it soon

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