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to all mw2 fans

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Lol guys, i have seen better, freddiew made MW2 frozen crossing part 1 and part 2 and beatdownboogie made Modern Gear solid! Amazing web series, both of them.

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Oh my sweet Jesus how bad are the English voice overs!! Yet again the retarded septic tanks (yanks if you dont speak cockney) think we are all posh *****

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ah the americans thay think there all irish but when thay look back far enough there french


my brother seen this and went mental thinking it was the trailer for mw3 (you should have seen his face when i send it was not)

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Haha quality. But on a serious note these call of duty kids are really doing my head in. They just don't realise that call of duty is FICTIONAL and a hell of a lot of it is bull****.


I was watching a YouTube video of some swat sniper that shot a pistol out of a suspects hand and the Cod CHILD commented "he must have been using a thermal sight" god that kid needs a slap!

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i remeber some wee kid said to me about my lsw "is that the same gun from mw2 its s*** and yours dosent even have a drum mag thats so lame" lets just say if i had a drum mag he whould still be running

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:lol: annoying cod-softers, buuut im one of them :o lol
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You have to take those kind of comments with a pinch of salt I'm 22 and love cod but I suppose mature enough to know the difference between fiction and real life.

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Nope sorry they are all annoying and think they know it all because they own an xbox. They should be shot that way they realise you dont just respawn. With your next custom class of weapons they again kmow mothing about. Bell ends!

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To be fair there are not many people on here that know about what it is like to be under live fire either. So what makes the majority of us think our opinion is any higher than there's. I don't know for sure but I'm sure a lot of people currently serving in the armed forces feel the same way towards airsofters as you do to cod players.

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I'm in the armed forces and I respect airsofters a lot more than cod kids. Airsofters at least put themselves in controlled situations that are as close to ethereal thing as you can get. Where these cod kids sit in a chair never see the light of day and play that game whilst eating a cheeseburger. Makes me sick

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he's right one of my mates said once


"those who cant join the army join the ta

those who cant join the ta go airsofting

those who cant airsoft play cod"

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Lol ok then you are a lot better qulified to comment than me. Don't get me wrong it bugs me alot aswell not forgetting that I actually play the game and have to listen to these divs all the time. I suppose it just dose not get to me like it seems to you. :)


  craig said:
he's right one of my mates said once


"those who cant join the army join the ta

those who cant join the ta go airsofting

those who cant airsoft play cod"

I love airsoft but can't think of anything I would rather not do than join the army.

I have a massive amount of respect for our boys (and girls) serving but personally would rather cut of my left testicle with a rusty old pair of scissors than join the army :P

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i dont have a pair of scissors to give you whould a fork do instead B)

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ok hold still this should only hurt for about 3 weeks :P



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