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Choosing my first gun

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Hello everyone, I new to this sport, I played a couple of times in my local field and i liked it alot. So I decided to get my own gun.

I have several options, but i don't know which one is better. I don't want to get a nice looking gun but with crappy internals, so please help me. 
Primarily I was thinking about a DMR-ish role, so after searching I found these, which could fit my budget (400$)
A&K SR-25,
CYMA Socom-16,
please tell me about these rifles ( quality, durability, internals, externals, required upgrades etc. )

Also as a back-up ( in case all previous mentioned guns turn out to be crap) I was thinking to get one of these: FN Herstal Licensed P90, one of CYMA AKs or a G&G combat machine ( Too many I don't know which one) 

If there are any better option I would be happy to see them. 

Thanks in advance

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).  I am moving this post to Guns, Gear & Loadouts as it is more appropriate there.  You are asking a lot of information, so may want to do some research first.  The search tool is useful, has a 3 character minimum length search, and read through posts.  This is a UK forum, so £ (Pound Sterling) is more appropriate than $ (US Dollar) for prices.  Most will tell you a DMR role is not worth it.  Pretty gun but no better than having a normal AEG which lets you use automatic fire for about the same range.

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DMR is definitely worth it IF you play at the right sites - they should allow up to 500fps and there should be open spaces. The Ridge and Coms Site 3 are great sites for DMR.


If you go to sites more setup for closer battles like The Mall, then DMR would be a waste of a lot of money. A good DMR setup will cost in the region of £450-650.


For newbie players, a CM16 Raider is always a good choice, then work out where to go from there. My first gun was a G&G R8-L. But I definitely do like having a full metal construction now.

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