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JG G36 Mid-Cap Mag HELP

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Hi all, completely new to the forum here. I've been wanting to get into Airsofting for years, and I now know of a group that I can go with, so have made the plunge. 


I've just bought the JG G36 G608-2, and it seems as if the only mags you can buy are high-cap's. I'm worried about the feed consistency in full auto, and want to look at mid-cap, non wind up mags.


I've come across the Dboys 100rd mid-cap G36 mag, but wondered if it would fit the JG? I don't mind slight modifications to the outer casing but all I need is for it to feed well. - http://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/g36-magazine-434-c.asp


does anyone here know if this could work? If not, know of any solutions? I don't fancy a mag converter just yet :) 


thanks in advance! 



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