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Review Cyma Cm.520 Cheap rifle but accurate as F@ck!

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hello guys i upload a new review video of a cheap AK rifle but as you can see it shoots really good! if you like the video dont forget to like,comment and give me a sub! thank you!! 


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Has been discussed previously.....


The difference in the price between a 5xx AK & say a 028a cyma is very little

The extra amount on the 028a I feel is worth it as a metal cover to replace the plastic one will cost that


Don't get me wrong they are great value starter guns but think the 28 or 37 are still worth the extra

(well unless you intend to replace the dust cover with a railed metal one)


The 5xx M4's aren't bad either but still very very plastic

BUT the cyma 5xx AK's & M4's are still the best cheapo plastic guns I'll admit

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