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ICS Super Power motor pinion.

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So I got given 2 of these old motors. Thought nothing off it. I've got a nice pinion puller, got a soldering iron. It's all I've needed for other pinions.

So I heat it up with a 30W standard soldering iron, slap on the puller. No dice.

I then up scaled to heat it with an industrial 100W soldering iron. Slap on the puller. No dice.

At this point it has even started to accept the exess solder from the iron... so it's well over temp.

So I go all manly on the thing. I have a welding project in the shed, And it's at the stage where I'm welding struts into a frame. So I get out the tig torch, Put down a generous 6 inch bead on some scrap. Then sit the motor pinion down on the bead. The winding lacquer is smoking, pop on the puller and it still won't move!! I have no idea what they used to secure that pinion. Whatever it is it's awesome and I want a bottle!


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