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New/old player.

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Hello fellow airsofters!  


Thought I'd take the time to make an introduction. Seems the polite thing to do. :) I have been lurking on this forum for a while and finally decided to sign up. 


Anyway my name is Robb. I come from down south. Near Southampton on the new forest to be exact.

I've first stated airsofting about 7 years ago (yea getting into my 30's now:o) then unfortunately gave it up as changes in circumstances prevented me from going. 

So last year a mate of mine started to go to a local site to me. He knew I been airsofting some years ago and somehow after much (read none) persuasion managed to get me to go with him about 6 months ago. 


Dug out my ancient DE umg and went along. Absolutely fell in love with the hobby again. And barely missed a game since. :D


Have since got my site membership, ukara sorted (again), bought a new gun, even done a 24 hour milsim event at my site (which was epic and difficult all at the same time!) 



Really looking  forward to using the forum and hope I can contribute in time. 


Probably been talking long enough now so I'll shut up for now :P


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