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Where to get this part?

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Oooooh that is a special order part that.....


nah - it is a M5 threaded bolt aprox 40mm to 60mm


it varies coz some stock tubes & the rear "lug" the tube mounts onto vary

the rear mount for the stock tube can stick out 1 inch or 2 inches etc.....


so I'd say measure the lug or mount for the tube eg: 40mm & add on about 20mm and it should be about right

failing that careful cutting to suit & clean the thread ok with a m5 nut before fitting if no m5 tap


ahh f*ck it just buy a few lengths - cross head jap/dome/button bolts or something


fleabay or B&Q or hardware store but it is M5 thread is the answer to your question

oh and a m5 washer - pref slit spring washer I think

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aye a wobbly butt can be very annoying in battle


I tend to go for fixed tight one myself - a fixed stubby stock I mean

not adjustable but almost any battery will go there than squeeze in nunchuck type batteries

really need to make a medium fixed stock imho

a stubby is great for a firehawk but too short of regular guns

a full size fixed stock is a tad too long for me I feel


think G&G really need to make a medium Raider with a medium fixed stock

and screw all the wobbly bits & messing about with battery options - but hey ho

some other guns have a stock that isn't adjustable and you just deal with it

but the subby & full are a smidge too short/long sometimes - hey ho as I said


happy hunting & you will soon have a firmer butt/stock

if it wobbles a bit too much slip some tape - electricians or bit off gaffa/duct tape on stock tube

that should reduce any crane stock wobble that occurs sometimes

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