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G+G TR15 raider XL

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I've got the opportunity to buy one of these second hand. It's the v3 gearbox version and comes with everything from new plus batteries and sling. It's at a steal price but I'm assured it's working unfortunately he cant provide a video currently but I want it for a game day on the 4th.




Also anyone who has owned one feel free to give feedback on the rifles performance.


Thanks guys

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£300 dated gun v2 gearbox with blowback not v3

I wouldn't tbh - Not being funny but you sound a newcomer maybe u18 ???


If I'm wrong then forgive me...


But you can't see a vid - or see the gun working - ergh deffo no way if buying by post


Next I certainly wouldn't buy a blowback for a gimmick and certainly not for first gun

Some members have them and they are very happy with blowback but my personally I'm not bothered

Also it is more stuff to go wrong in a nutshell but to each their own....

Not knocking blowback - just maybe advising a more straight forward gun for first gun perhaps...


Better off if a new u18 player getting your parents to buy a "normal" Raider from trusted sellers

yup charger battery required but at least it is new & guaranteed


If you are a regular airsofter then I'm sorry if I assumed you was a newcomer or young player


I'm not a fan of blowback's - more stuff to go wrong and most likely I'd disable/replace blowback if it/when it needed

others love their stuff, but as I said to each their own - keep it simple is my view or take on stuff


most of all avoid buying stuff you can't see or test yourself

check out the great guides on here or read the ones in my sig

plenty of people have rushed into buying a crap gun or gun they didn't really love coz they rushed in

or bought a RIF that needed attention when they didn't have defense/ukara and up creek without paddle

seller & gun maybe all sweet but I'd want more checks/tests before I part with cash

and I personally would consider a number of other guns/models before the one you mentioned


hope some of this helps & no offense meant if you are a mature experienced player

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I'm 26 and just a casual player but am starting to take it more seriously. No hard feelings I did word it a bit like a noob 😀.

I did think this at first but after some hunting around I found this:




Specs say it has a v3 gearbox. And the guys seems decent and has 100% feedback on over 2000 items. Plus at £160 with extras he is throwing in I can't really say know. After all it will be a great way for me to get to grips with this higher class of rifle.


Regarding the blowback I've got a GR4 G26 and that hasnt skipped a beat since having it. The blowback may be a gimmick but it hasn't given me any trouble and it's been rattled around a few sites. Just adds a little bit of realism.


Thanks for the advice though bud!

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fair enough - if you are from Ireland then I "think" you don't need a defense

well ukara won't apply but think defense is not required


£160 though seems to indicate you are in UK

& if you become a regular player or gain ukara then even with low £ to Euro

you can still check out Gunfire or TaiwanGun - though they don't really discount G&G's


£160 is not a bad price - I personally wouldn't buy it new but that is just my take

£300 would go towards Krytac or Evo or a couple of china/cheaper guns to tweak


But yes get an invoice from seller as goods or something

NEVER GIFT the dosh or you have no leg to stand on if owt goes wrong


We have had a few instances of deals not going according to plan

the seller could be reputable - though a short clip or something upload/FaceBook is not rocket science


I like G&G's - but mainly their Cheaper Combat Machines

I'd say I love them but I have been very critical of some of their stuff

BlowBack is a personal preference I guess is all I will say


You asked & I replied with my own opinion

the price seems good - it is your money so buy what you like


request invoice though - never gift money through paypal

if you argue about fees - then split it & say 2% - never gift to buy a s/hand gun

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