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Krytac mk2 shimming is hell

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Okay so I think I have cracked it (more like a tech at krytac lol) but it was very easy (for me) to miss as I have opened this thing up a million times (more like 20) and just couldn't solve it.


The sector gear has scratches and wear on the top of it which I thought was a bit weird and the tappet plate is a bit stiff when the box is together and also feels like it snags on something. I believe that the sector gear shimming was too high so the tappet plate was grinding against it and the timing was off. Can't believe I didn't see this because it was literally right in front of me the entire time.


I mean just look at this....



BAM Right there. Very unusual problem because I just didn't think it could happen but it looks like it can.


Bearing in mind that there is a shim on top of the sector gear and when I shimmed it, it was NOT rubbing on the face of the gearbox. The bearing are raised in the gearbox anyway so it couldn't touch the face....I think it couldn't anyway, not the first time something has surprised me.

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