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Battery live wire oxidised?

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Hey guys, this one has me scratching my head!


My WE 7.4v mini stick was showing up on my IMAX b6 charger as low voltage and connection break warnings so I thought I would replace the deans plug.


Upon stripping the outer insulation back a touch I noticed the silver plated wire was dull and showed signs of a green copper oxidising so I cut the silicon insulation back and yet more oxidisation.

I pulled the remaining insulation off and the whole live wire was all the same but the negative wire is still bright and shiny and there is no damp in my battery bag as I use silica packs.


Any idea's please?


Many thanks


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It could just be reaction between the insulation and the copper wire. Check to see if the insulation looks faded (due to heat). You could also do a resistance check on the wire...
Also check your battery is not leaking at the terminals, only ever seen this once not on airsoft on something completely different but yeah still worth checking that over...


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It's a common problem on vehicles where the battery is left connected over winter. I'm not sure of the mechanics of it, but on my bike it's been a complete pain in the rear until I started disconnecting the battery when not in use. Not sure how you prevent it if you're already taking the battery out when it's not being used.

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