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trigger switch replacement

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I'm looking to replace a knackered trigger switch in a v2 gearbox.


The replacement switch I've sourced does not have the selector plate contacts that the original switch did.

It's been a long time since I've been into the internals of a gun gearbox, but is it normal these days just to rely on the mechanical pushing of the safety lever/latch into position by the selector plate and not interrupt the power circuit too?


I guess without the electrical cut off on safe that's one less thing to go wrong, though I'll have to check that the trigger pull is actually blocked when it's in safe. The gearbox did have the wrong selector plate in it for the gun shell it's in so the mechanical safety was not good, with the right plate in it the mechanical safety is working. Not that I can fully tell as the trigger switch is knackered, think the shuttle contact has burned up as it only makes electrical contact when shoved in fully with a screwdriver. All the contacts do show signs of arcing and melting of the plastic supports.


The eventual aim is to make the gearbox, semi-auto only when I've got it back working, by nipping a lump out of the selector plate so it can never go full-auto again. Also at that point I'll need to swap the cylinder as this one that's in it currently is not meant for the length of barrel the completed gun will have, going from the standard G3 length (469mm) to PSG1 length (590mm).



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shs v2 switches don't have the rear prongs on switch and are very good replacement switches

(D-Boys G&P don't have prongs either)


Cyma, SRC's & others have the rear prongs that need the circuit completed by a copper strip on selector plate


more stuff here:



you could fit a cheap £10 firestorm mosfet in there whilst you are about soldering in a new switch to prolong the life of contacts

yes semi mod on tappet will give you semi - but with a mosfet gun you could add a tiny micro/tactile switch hidden somewhere

if gun locks up on semi - though unlikely you press the additional tiny switch to effectively run gun on full auto to fix a dead zone/lock up


Not being funny - I'd leave the barrel length at 469mm on std v2 or v3 box with 16 teeth piston/sector gears

you will never have enough volume for a 590mm barrel imho on a "normal" v2 on more heavier bb's if going for dmr/sniper

that length barrel is for longer boxes/cylinders like SVD, L85 or "proper" SR-25's with extended v2.5 gearboxes

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Thanks for the info SD, the MOSFET sounds an interesting addition.


I'm customizing a junk yard sg1 into an MSG90(ish).

The original barrel is back in the junkyard box so could be refitted. Not sure what gears are in the box yet, it's not the original box hence the wrong cylinder and plate mentioned in the previous message.

The sg1 barrel outer is thread stripped, so I've stuck the CA HK51 outer barrel on it to give it more sniper'ish outline, and that hides the extra 120mm of psg1's inner barrel length....


I'm getting the feeling by the time I'm happy with the conversion to a DMR MSG spec, there is going to be nothing left of the original junkyard gun and I Could have just stuck the CA barrel on a stock out of the box JG SG1 and got the same results. But hey ho, nothing like a few winter nights spent filling and sanding the forestock and other cosmetics.

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