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NSC airsoft

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Nsc is based near durham, it is a wood land site with several trench system's,bunker's and building's built on it.

We meet every other sunday and our next game day is sunday 5th july and we have an average attendance of between 30-40 player's per game.

We run a small shop that sell's the essencial such as bb's ,gas and refreshment's as well as an airsoft repair shop.

We have 15+ hire gun's of various types including sniper and support gun's as well as the more usual aeg's like m4/m16 or ak47.

New and veterain player's are all welcome at nsc airsoft and if you are unsure you can come and have a look on a game day were one of the marshall's can show you the site and explain the types of games we play.


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  • 7 months later...
  • AF-UK Founding Member

I just clicked the link in his post and clicked site rules and it says 18 so you won't be allowed to play there unless they have changed their rules but not updated their website.

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  • 7 years later...

it is a northern site based in the Newcastle region that is a 90 acre site. It is a lovely little place and is full of members and newbie airsofters and the likes it is £43 for a full day skirmish with all the gear hired and is £25 for none members £20 for members. Has a small shop on site where you can find accessories and the odd gun or two look us up on facebook (NSC airsoft) or check out the website for more details

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