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NEW arena in the south of england

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There is a new arena in the South of England which is called Conflictzone



contact details are

Phone 01929401397

E-mail conflictzone@hotmail.com

website www.conflictzone-airsoft.co.uk


The arena is run by serving British soldiers


The arena is on both saterdays and sundays and covers both millsim and scenario games

and it does training evenings on wednesdays where you fight British soldiers in a mission at the end of the training sesion so you can put you newly learned skills to the test.

Training is also provided by British soldiers.



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Just to let you know mate i am the manager of that arena and it is brand new it has only been there for

2 months and already i am doing a help for heros weekend


With posable fly over from RAF in conjunction with TLSFX seting up the explosions for the bomb run and maby a bit of jim davidson for the night intertainment we shall see

as i am just waiting on answers from my contacts in the armed forces and help for heros

there is only 350 places so if you are intrested let me know.

its £80 walkon fee for the weekend and it starts on the 19th morning and finishes 20th around 1700hrs

with fighting through the night .

and as i am a serving member of the armed forces i believe in help the heros and have seen how they have helped my friends.



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