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Which ammo??

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I ordered a gun the other day and with it 1000 0.2g sportsmarketing bb's. I got these because they were the only brand on the site.


Can anyone tell me what quality these are?


Can i get some advice on what brands of ammo i should use for the future?


I've heard bulldog are good



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Blasters, TM, Bulldogs are good-ish, G&G, king arms, all i can remember oh and Golden balls or something like that

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi mate "kings Arms" platinum i bought some from landwarriorairsoft good quality bb everyone at my skirmish site use them bit more expensive, but as you will hear from everyone dont skimp on your ammo......


Try a few different brands and see what runs threw the gun well


Kings arms all the way for me....

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