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Hi guys,
This is my latest custom, an ARES AM-013 "Honey Badger" with Piston Pre-Cocking function, Dual Sector Gear and Double Magnet system.
Shooting this thing is great fun, exceptionally silent and trigger response is bloody immediate.
Hope you enjoy the video!


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2 hours ago, skillfulmmd said:

Will you be dropping a guide on how to do this at all I'm really keen to get my single fire rate up as fast as I can.


He has done numerous videos on how to do this to an amoeba, just have a look on his channel.


would be easier just to use an 11.1 and it will be really snappy, that's what I used to do.

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5 minutes ago, Georgeturner2001 said:

He has done numerous videos on how to do this to an amoeba, just have a look on his channel.


would be easier just to use an 11.1 and it will be really snappy, that's what I used to do.



Nice, I will take a look.


I already have and 11.1v hooked up via deans and a Lonex motor. Just looking to get as good as I possibly can!

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12 minutes ago, skillfulmmd said:


Nice, I will take a look.


I already have and 11.1v hooked up via deans and a Lonex motor. Just looking to get as good as I possibly can!


Surely that should be super snappy still? What lonex is it and what spring?


i think DSGing it would only be worth it if your using 7.4s only, honestly I wouldn't bother.


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3 minutes ago, Georgeturner2001 said:


Surely that should be super snappy still? What lonex is it and what spring?


i think DSGing it would only be worth it if your using 7.4s only, honestly I wouldn't bother.




I forget I switched to a SHS motor instead and using the stock spring. I still have a 13 teeth piston to fit and align the AOE. Do you think it would be pointless if I DSG then?


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33 minutes ago, skillfulmmd said:


I forget I switched to a SHS motor instead and using the stock spring. I still have a 13 teeth piston to fit and align the AOE. Do you think it would be pointless if I DSG then?


Makes things more complicated, you have to keep undoing the spring guide to keep the spring de compressed.

You would also need to do a fair bit of tech work I suppose, doesn't look too easy in my opinion, I'd say just keep it as is until something breaks.

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17 hours ago, Georgeturner2001 said:

Makes things more complicated, you have to keep undoing the spring guide to keep the spring de compressed.

You would also need to do a fair bit of tech work I suppose, doesn't look too easy in my opinion, I'd say just keep it as is until something breaks.


Yeah you could be right. I would like to get my tech work up a bit so it could be used as an excuse to do that. When I fit my new SHS piston I will try doing good AOE as I've never done that before. 


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