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Danger Zone Zone Customs presents Cold Recon II - Summer Thaw

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My company Danger Zone Customs (https://www.facebook.com/Dangerzonecustom) is running it's first airsoft event on 2nd August 2015!


Cold Recon II - Summer Thaw, picks off from the events of Cold Recon an event we put on at The Manor in Daresbury, Cheshire.


Daresbjorn; a small island in Norwegian waters that is home to a population that sympathises with Russia has been of little of note since the cold war, where due to its remote location from the main land the Soviet Union government established a weapons testing facility. Since the facility's closure and the break up of Soviet Union the Islands population has dwindled but is still maintained as a trading hub between the two nations.

Now in light of the recent events Moscow has installed a new commander to the forces on the island and is now claiming it as an annex of the Russian federation. Initially seen as a rogue faction of the Russian Military the forces on Daresbjorn have been given legitimacy by Moscow since the small island hit the headlines due to the forces occupation. Unlike previous incursions into places like the Crimea the action taken on Daresbjorn seemed to be the brainchild of a single man, Stevksei Guba.


Dimitri Bjournson an aging general with family connections to the Island has been installed to stabilize the region, he is not alone however, taking a whole division of Spetsnaz amphibious assault specialists with him.


The UN has delivered Russia an ultimatum, but as events are unfolding it seems like conflict is inevitable.


See news reports here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1qe9fbKDNewEcRv0B0b4cCi7WeedAl2p


To book on check out our event page - https://www.facebook.com/events/591655387641176/

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