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problems adjusting my SVD scope


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Hi all,


I have an A&K SVD with a PO6x36 russian scope mounted. My problem is that my rifle naturally fires higher than I can adjust my scope. I've adjusted the PO reticles as high as they go but I literally have to aim at the top of the optics above the cross hairs.


Does anyone know how I can get around this issue?


I've got a R hop fitted but have the hop up reduced as far as possible and there is defo not any r hop patch protruding into the barrel. The rifle fires dead straight and is very consistent, with the exception that my PO scope is just naturally sighted too low :/ so I think it really is a case of the scope sitting too low actually on the rifle



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Your scope looks to be fitted a bit low on the receiver, compared to the clone POSP scopes. Is the scope body fixed to the mounting bracket, or can it be removed from the bracket (doesn't look to be from your photo)? If it can be removed then I'd suggest fitting a small spacer between the scope tube and the bottom of the front tube mounting cradle to raise the front of the scope. Something like two thicknesses of old 35mm film used to be the preferred method with air rifle scopes that had similar problems, otherwise something thin but flexible will do the same thing. If it isn't removable then I'm not sure what will do it, as you would then need some way of raising the whole front end of the bracket in the side mount about 1-2mm to achieve the same effect. For that you would need to either add a small wedge to the front of the side mount or similar inside the front of the mounting bracket. You "could" achieve that by filing away a bit of metal from the bottom inside front of the mounting bracket and then adding a bit to the top inside front, but that might be a step too far if that's an expensive scope.

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Its fixed like a POSP scope so I can't detach and add spacers :(


I have a feeling I am stuck with it as it is :(

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deffo looks to running slightly downwards to me

I'm no scope mofo but have a fairly good eye for straight/true/balance as I work in print

Plus I have very very serious ocd on crap like this - lol

deffo looks to me to be tipping downwards no matter how I look at it, well maybe... - no it is tipping downwards



take a pic of the other side - must be a way of packing a washer between something/mount/part of scope


I'm no mofo on this maybe the others can help or Ian if he has had one of these scopes

must be able to adjust something on scope/mount/gun or something


giz a pic of other side but I will let the more experienced mofo's carry on with ideas of what needs to be done

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Here is a pic from the other side. I think it is an optical illusion that it points down, as the centre line of the scope is 75mm constant from the top of the mounting rail along its entire length



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That looks like the same mount that I had on my POSP clone and yes, they are not adjustable, although I suspect a RS one would be on those bottom screws. If you don't want to damage it then I agree that there is nothing to do, but if you are up for a little modding then my suggestion "might" be the answer. I know I had to work on the rail on mine just to get the POSP to fit at all.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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