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a&k dragunov svd

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got one, It's great.

Mine chrono's at around 500-510FPS

decent hop up in it, nice and straight


could do with a new tightbore barrel in mine, but that is partly my fault :lol: certainly be a good upgrade to it.


only problem is scopes, a dragunov scope is around £100

an AK scope mount WILL fit with modification, but now my scope is slightly to the right hand side of the centre line on my reciever, more of an annoyance than anything else, but has to be considered.


does have (reasonable) Iron sights

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  • 2 weeks later...
no problem, also if ya get an AK scope mount for it I can get some pics up to show ya what I did to get it to fit mine


obviously an SVD scope will fit no worries



that would be great if you would thx

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  • 4 weeks later...
wow thats great is that stock?

but the site i play on i might have to downgrade it :(

Speak to the staff, some airsoft sites allow the limit to exceed if you fire from a certain range or in single fire only. e.g. If you had an AEG that fired at 400fps and the limit was 350fps, you might have to fire single fire when in a 10ft range but when you're more than 10ft away you can fire full-auto. Ask about it at your site. It's a sniper rifle so I don't see why it can't be powerful. ;)

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