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Prometheus Neo Strike Hop Up chamber help


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Hi guys,


Just wondering if anyone has had experience with the Prometheus hop up Neo Strike chamber? One of these:




I got my hands on one of these and I was wondering if anyone knew what the O-ring that it comes with is for (see picture in link above). I have managed to put everything together but I couldn't see where I should be putting the O-ring. Any ideas?


Where the screw is meant to screw down to hold the final cog, I found that it didn't have any threading. Did anyone else find this?


I used the screw from my existing hop up unit to twist in and create my own threading. Unfortunately I've now snapped the screw itself! Anyone know where I can get a replacement screw? I think I will have to drill the snapped end off somehow...


Anyone with suggestions would be great!



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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