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Black Fire Airsoft in Youtube

Black Fire

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Hello everyone!

I'm glad to introduce yourselves our new youtube channel, Black Fire Airsoft.

We are a group of friends living in Barcelona (Spain) and our goal is to upload 'gameplays', reviews and much more just for fun.

Here is our first video, uploaded this week. Advices are pretty welcome.

If you liked and want to follow us, you can simply subscribe the channel, Facebook or Twitter.

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nice mate, I liked the gameplay, editing and overall how it was put together. Earned a subscriber, keep up the good work!

Are you aiming for 1 video a week?


Thank you very much!
That's the idea, but right now I'm the only one with a camera.
Just ordered 2 new batteries to record the long games outside CQB (SJ4000 battery got an autonomy of 60 minutes more or less...) and we'll record different POVs of the same game.


We are going every thursday to play in this CQB, so I'll have new material every week :)

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