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KG36C Battery?

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So I just got my KWA KG36C from airsoft world, first impressions are very good :) But it turns out that the handguard is not as large as what I had read in reviews and a large type battery will not fit into it.


So I need to order a new battery and I need to know if a standard mini battery pack will fit into it or would I be better off getting a stick type battery as the space looks a little tight. Does anyone own one of there or have any experience with them?




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It was an 8.4v Large, I just had a quick measure of the space inside the handguard and compared it to the measurements for the batteries on the website and have ordered an 8.4v mini (2x3 +1) From the measurements I took the new battery will fit in nicely with enough room for the wires.

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