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Low Price Flashlight & Gun Question

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Question 1:


I'm looking for a flashlight attachment that will fit onto the front rails on this I'm looking for something that is not too expensive as my budget is not too high and I don't feel like paying £100+ for a flashlight.


Question 2:


Also on that website it says that the FPS of the gun is aproximately 350, I have a feeling that this means "below but near to 350" but is there any chance that this gun would come firing over 350? As I dont have the budget for a chrono and I would hate to turn up to my first game and have my gun banned for the day because it is firing too hot.




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If it says 350FPS you can take it to your local store (or the one closest to you) and get it chrono'd.

If it is over 350FPS there I'm sure they would be happy to downgrade it for you there, while you wait.


as for flashlights, I'm probably not the right guy to ask, My solution on my gun is mini-maglites secured with 1 inch scope rings.

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