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TaiwanGun.com End Loyalty Program

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As I would have expected from their customer service, they're being entirely reasonable about it - a month to get some more and the rest of the year to redeem them and any others we already have. I have to say I didn't work out how much the loyalty points would be worth and subtract that from the price when I was deciding whether to buy from them or somebody else, but just like topcashback (see tiny links in my siggy) it's a nice surprise when you suddenly realise that it has resulted in enough to buy something useful :D


Of course they will generate more business out of me, as they do free shipping on orders over about £55 and my points do not add up to that much, but then again, within the whole of the coming year I would have been bound to want some more stuff from them anyway :P;)


I can only suppose that they feel that they have achieved sufficient 'market penetration' or whatever the management-speak is for 'getting the word out'. I hope this does not herald creeping price increases because, even though their customer service is good, as I know other people do, I buy from them without any expectation of after market service, simply because shipping AEG's back and forth to/from Poland has to be more expensive than repairs are worth. Not to say that I wouldn't return stuff if it turned out to be crap, just that I would only do so for a problem which prevented its use and I'd just want a refund or an exchange. My point being that only their low prices will keep me coming back.

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