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Hello Gents


Looking for some advice here i have an ICS MP5 SD the hard stock version. I now want to convert it to a folding stock version.


Q. Will i have to completley replace the gear box with a front porting battery lead ?


OR can i make do with the existing gear box ? if so what do i need to do ?


Thx guys


Spit n Polish

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If you take the gearbox out of the gun you will see the wires leading from the back.

on the front of the gearbox is a small hole, just below the air nozzle and somewhere near the trigger assembly.


take the gearbox apart (carefully) and re-route the wires from the back to be protruding from the front.

sounds simple, But best do it on a light sheet incase any small bits jump out at you, it is also quite fiddly.


may also be a good occasion to clean everything and shim it all up nice and new.

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If you take the gearbox out of the gun you will see the wires leading from the back.

on the front of the gearbox is a small hole, just below the air nozzle and somewhere near the trigger assembly.


take the gearbox apart (carefully) and re-route the wires from the back to be protruding from the front.

sounds simple, But best do it on a light sheet incase any small bits jump out at you, it is also quite fiddly.


may also be a good occasion to clean everything and shim it all up nice and new.



Thanks that sounds quiet an easy task, i did wonder if that little gap was for something, let you know how i get on.





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