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bought my first proper AEG

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I use a bed sheet inside my flat!


I stand any old cardboard box with a padded envelope taped to the front of it and A4 sheets with targets drawn on in black marker taped to the front of that, on a chair next to a wardrobe. On top of the wardrobe is a piece of wood with some stuff weighting one end and the other sticking out so an old fitted sheet can hang from it.


I use that set up to practice snap shooting. The BB's collect in an elastic edged bit, which allows me to use them again in my guns with 6.03mm or wider barrels :blink: yeah, I know you're not supposed to, but I haven't had any problems doing it so far - its easy enough to fish out any shattered bits.


For accuracy shooting I replace the box with a sticky target like this:


The plastic frame of mine is barely holding together these days because it doesn't do well against 365+FPS :lol: but the sticky layer is still going strong - you can put any image behind it. I got bored of George Osborne and went back to the roundel, but I think maybe I need a pic of Boris with his mouth open ;)

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