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Airsoft_Mr B
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I might do a full review later but here's my a few pictures of my new Vegetato stuff for anyone who's interested:



Haven't had the chance to skirmish with these yet as I usually go to my local indoor site and unfortunately not an outdoor day, but I really like the camo. Initially I wasn't to sure about buying but both ACU trousers and shirt fit me okay (slightly big but alright) as well as both the drill cap and boonie hat.


The SAAV isn't adjusted to my size yet but I will get round to doing it sometime. Overall the quality seems great and the pattern should blend in very well with local vegetation.

Also, the trousers include foam knee inserts (not proper kneepads) which are actually really comfortable.


To conclude, if you're seriously interested in purchasing some I would recommend you do now as Soldiers of Fortune currently has a sale on these items. Both the shirt and trousers are £20 each as opposed to their usual price of £30 and as far as I know available in all sizes at the moment. Alternatively you can try military1st or Flecktarn.co.uk. As aforementioned I personally like the camouflage a lot, it's unique and works well!


Thanks for reading,








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I have to say I love Vegetato as a camo .. I love different and unique camos that don't form to the traditional pattern types you see everywhere.


I'm also a fan of Chinese PLA camo and Afghan Camo too.

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I have to say I love Vegetato as a camo .. I love different and unique camos that don't form to the traditional pattern types you see everywhere.


I'm also a fan of Chinese PLA camo and Afghan Camo too.

Agreed. As much as I like that people have their own countries camo, and it makes it easier to get a full set of genuine authentic gear it is great to have something unique. Vegetato works pretty well in our woodland too.

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