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Spring shotguns

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I have an urge to buy a shotgun and I've noticed the huge number of spring guns. I was warned away from springers when i took up airsoft so is it different for shotguns and its perfectly fine to spend only 50 quid or should I only b looking at gas ones?


Thanks guys

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the DE M56 comes in 5 differnt sizes:

full stock, full length (think barge pole)

full stock, short barrel (think M4)

colapsable stock full (barge pole - M16)

colapsable stock short (G36C - M4)

shorty stockless (think big pistol) it comes in around .5M long and I am getting one to whack on my back once UKARA'd.


they all weigh under 2KG and arn't too hard to c***.

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Ah ok, I threw it in google and kept getting a link to some two tone thing but I'll have a look around. Collapsible stock sounds good. Cheers for the help dude


EDIT: Ok being a pain but I can't find any that aren't two toned on google. Have you got a link?

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cheers dude, looks like a toss up between the m4 tactical and the mossberg then.


With the collapsible stock would there be much difference in length between the tactical and the full stoch short barrel one?

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