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new to airsoft

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Hi, my name is Chris, I'm from Scotland and just bought my first airsoft rifle, it's a BOYI CH-3081A, I don't know if it's a load of rubbish or not, but seems reasonable enough I guess. I come from a background of full bore target shooting and deer stalking and decided I wanted something else to try too.

I have been looking for upgrade parts for this model but really am unsure what is available or what will fit to give better accuracy and a little higher fps...I'm guessing it can't be done to this type?


Will have to try and find a local club too.


Thanks for reading



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Don't bother with an upgrade for this, it's not worth your time and money. You may be able to use it for the 2 months needed to get site membership and sort out your UKARA registration. My guess though is that it will struggle at long ranges. If you can find an indoor CQB site, it will do fine. You will want to be saving up for a G&G combat machine though as the BOYI you have will simply not do the job for more than a few months. On the plus side, it will be useful in the future for practicing taking guns apart and might be okay for a couple of months so you can save up and not have to get a good gun 2 toned.

Read all the guides in the new players section of the forum.

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Hi Russell, thanks for the reply.

I have located a club so will be contacting them this week to see about membership.

The two tone was gone pretty quickly with the use of some primer and flat black spray paint, looks a bit nicer now.

Was unimpressed with the electrical connections, so will be changing those out and upgrading the wiring and protection, but will leave it at that.


Do you have a kink to a reputable supplier to the G and G rifles by any chance, it would be preferable to just buying from the first shop I see I reckon.


Thanks again


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As your from Scotland your best best is Land Warrior Airsoft in Edinburgh or Airsoft World in Crossgates, Fife (No Airsoft World signs though, shop signage is Target Shooting Supplies.)


Alternatively you could look at the likes of Taiwangun.com, based in Poland with relatively cheaper prices than UK sellers. Ive spent £700 on them in the last 4 months!

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  On 19/01/2014 at 18:57, Sako said:

Hi Russell, thanks for the reply.

I have located a club so will be contacting them this week to see about membership.

The two tone was gone pretty quickly with the use of some primer and flat black spray paint, looks a bit nicer now.

Was unimpressed with the electrical connections, so will be changing those out and upgrading the wiring and protection, but will leave it at that.


Do you have a kink to a reputable supplier to the G and G rifles by any chance, it would be preferable to just buying from the first shop I see I reckon.


Thanks again


I should point out that if you read the Violent Crimes Reduction Act (VCRA), then by spraying the gun matt black, you are manufacturing a Realistic Imitation Firearm. I wouldn't worry too much about it but ideally you shouldn't do that until you have a defence (some sort of means of proving that you are an airsofter). It is unclear how much proof is needed, its somewhere between booking in for a 1st game and getting UKARA registration sorted, no-one actually knows.


As mentioned before, Landwarrior Airsoft are quite good and are in Edinburgh. Keep an eye on their clearances section, they often have some absolute bargains. If you feel confident of your ability to take guns apart and upgrade them, they also often sell ex-hire G36 C's very cheap.


DO NOT spend any money on upgrading your gun. It is not a gun designed to be skirmished so at best you might get away with using it for a couple of months to save on hire costs so that when you buy something decent, you don't have to get it sprayed bright orange and then have to strip the paint. If you upgrade the wiring, something else will fail soon enough.

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Hi guys, thanks for the replies, I wasn't sure if the police would bother me too much about the painted gun as I currently have a full firearms license and shotgun license and therefor own several rifles with over 3000ft/lbs ME. But they may be picky.

I will definitely take your advice on the 'combat machine' looking to order one soon to have a play with.


Thanks again for the warm welcome and all the help, it's really appreciated.



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