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Are they the same?!

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Hey guys!


I have had the G&G CM16 Raider L for about two years now and I think I am due an upgrade!


I was looking at the G&G GR24 G26.


Can anybody tell me if this is any better than the gun I have now as I see my range and ROF is to be honest sh*t compared to any skirmishers ( after todays performance :unsure: ). I want to know has the G&G GR24 G26 got better internals that would result in a greater range/ ROF


Any information would be a huge help!



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Your original gun probably just needs a new hop rubber. How often do you clean the barrel too?

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Are you using the hop at all? Even with my hop turnt completely off I was on par with the other guns on sight when I had a Raider-L so as Ian said, your hop rubber may be knackered or you have some dirt in your barrel.

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I clean my gun before and after every game I go to, with silicone aerosol and kitchen roll.


I have decided on a new gun, the G&G TR15 Raider XL, it is hard to find reviews on this gun, but with G&Gs reputation im sure it will be fine, whats your thoughts on this gun?

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It has a good rep, Mat. I've read a few people say the externals look good and feel good and solid in the hand. It's G&G so the internals will be good OOTB and it comes with a MOSFET pre-fitted so that has to be a good thing. I don't like AR variants personally - they don't fit my long slim hands at all well and they're a yank icon, but if AR's are your thing, I'm sure you won't be disappointed with it.


Oh yeah, and if you're cleaning your barrel with oil, some of it will be getting onto your hop rubber, which obviously isn't good for traction between the rubber and BB's. I'd stop doing that IIWY and switch to using isopropyl alcohol. 1st thing would be to disassemble the barrel and rubber from the Hop Up Chamber and wash them with soapy water to get all traces of oil off.

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