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Original Paint

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Ok people I need some help.

Recently bought an ics m4 from a friend. It was an unfinished project.

My first job was to strip the baldly done camo paint job. With some patients, lots of fairy power spray and a huge amount of elbow grease it is stripped.

But now I see why he sprayed it. It is scratched and scuffed to hell on the metal parts.

So my question is, does anyone know where to get a black repair paint from or what is the best alternative. Dont really want to repaint the whole gun.

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Two questions: 1) are you one of the havok guys that came to play at the Malls? 2) is the original paint secure (ie not flaking off?)

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1. I did go to the mall in october. Havok is my call sign, our team is called the rough necks. 2. The paint is secure. its mostly the edges that are scuffed and the bottom where the mag goes. looks like it has been rubbing against something.

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1. I did go to the mall in october. Havok is my call sign, our team is called the rough necks. 2. The paint is secure. its mostly the edges that are scuffed and the bottom where the mag goes. looks like it has been rubbing against something.


Jason? Laurence - from Team Gagglefuck :)




If the paint is secure, I would suggest scuffing it with red Scotchbrite and going over with some flat black Krylon. Failing that I'd rub the whole thing down, primer it and then do the flat black.

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Laurence - the man who shot me in the back!!!! Have you fixed that trigger yet.


Been looking on the interweb. Some people have said using humbrol 85 black coal satin. Gonna try it later. If that dont work gonna strip it down to bear metal and do what you suggested and flat black the whole thing.

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Yeah.....I still feel bad about that and no, the pistol is still more of a danger to me and anyone else on my team! I'll be getting an M9A1 after Xmas - double action and a bugger trigger guard!



The only problem with the Humbrol stuff is that it's designed to be used on plastic model kits so it's not great at sticking to metal. Plus unless you can spray it with an airbrush you'll get horrible blobby brushmarks and stuff. Make sure you rub the edges of the chipped off bits down too else you'll see them.




To be fair I'm a bit anal about paintwork (being a custom painter on the side an' all).

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you a safe person as long as no one is in front of you !!!!


Gonna prime it first. Ive used humbrol before on metal and had good results. Just hope the colour is a match. I thought about camo spraying it properly but i do like the black look.


I wont be airsofting till after xmas so i have time to get it right. Nothing i hate more than a bad paint job. Im a bit anal too.


On another note. I messaged Emile about a site vs site game at the mall and then at cool under fire for the rematch but not heard back from him. We got about 25 - 30 regulars from our site up for it. What do you think. No first timers or lone gunmen. Just 2 teams of lads (and ladies) who know how to play.

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Sounds good to me. Not 'softing till next year myself now. Time to fit all the upgrades that TM M4 needs to actually hit something more than 3 feet away (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).


I'll definitely try and get the guys down to Kent next year though. Should be fun!

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ha ha. i have many upgrades waiting to be fitted and if santa has read my letter i'll have even more!!!


I will message emile again. If i dont get a responce i will talk to the lads and book 30 spaces on a sunday. We may all turn up in hawian shirts just so you all know who we are!!!!

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