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Tokyo Marui Glock 17 slide locking back

Liam Porter
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It's suddenly started happening, between me last using at a skirmish, a couple of months or so ago and me going to use it yesterday to pointlessly shoot stuff in the garden. The gun hasn't been touched between these two events, apart from moving it from one place to another.


The slide doesn't lock back when I'm firing the gun, unless the magazine is empty, then the slide catch does it's job well.


If I manually pull the slide back, it locks back, regardless of whether or not a magazine is in the gun and whether or not it is empty. It's not the slide catch that causes it to lock back, but part of the internals. It stays back, until I either pull the trigger, or give it a firm tap on the back, then it slides forward fine.


I know which part is catching on which part, and I could file either one or both parts down a little and probably fix it. But, they're there and the shape/size they are for a reason, so I'm worried that if I do, I'll break the gun in some other way which won't be fixable without buying replacement parts.


Here are some pictures showing what's catching on what, and the parts I'm on about filing down.


As you can see, the slide catch is down, and not actually touching the slide.



After taking the slide off, putting it next to the rest of the gun and pulling the trigger, I figured out the red circled bit is what is causing it to lock back.



The small red circle is the part of the slide that is catching on the part pictured above, which has a larger red circle.



Finally, a better picture of the part on the slide. It's the little extra bit here that's catching, not the larger bit to the left, so filing this down probably won't make a difference as the part in the body of the gun sticks up more than the height of this part. At first I thought it was the larger part, so I was going to file it to a diagonal.




So, would filing down that bit in the body of the gun cause it to stop working completely or make it unusable?

If not, then why does that bit stick up so much? If so, then any suggestions on how I can fix this?




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Lube it up ;) see if that makes a difference?

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Just tried that, didn't make a difference. Gonna just file down the bit on the slide, see if that makes any difference. If it stops it working, it's probably time to get a new gun anyway. Had it two years, not changed anything on it, the threads in the plastic are mostly worn down and the plastic around them is starting to crack.



EDIT: So, I've filed down the bit, and it works fine again.


Picture of the bit I filed:


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