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Version 2 Gearbox - Basic Upgrades?

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Hello, I want to upgrade my SCAR-L and would like to know, and have some links to, parts that could be used to upgrade my stock gearbox. As I said it's a V2 and anything that could help such as air nozzles, piston heads, cylinders or even gears is greatly appreciated :)


Thank in advance,



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im no expert, i was told by people to make sure you have metal gears which most do but to also make sure they are shimmed.

after that i think the upgrades depend on what you want the rifle to do??

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Thanks, as a matter of fact I was just reading up on shimming gears and yes I do have metal gears

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yer i talked to a few people and they said making sure your gears rotate smoothly is a good start as makes them last longer and engage with the other gears better.

depending on what you want it to do. an upgraded spring will up your FPS by a fair bit.

have you thought about a new barrel and hop up unit?? they will increase your fps a little possibly but they will def increase the accuracy and distance.

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Yeah, I was looking at some tight bores but I hadn't even given hop ups a second thought

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agreed, the very last thing you should upgrade (I say that in the loosest possible terms, when most people upgrade their gearboxes what actually happens is they break them) is the gearbox, invest in a tight bore barrel and a decent hop-up unit and rubber first, it'll probably get you the increase in performance you're after!

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