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R.I.S. R.A.S and I.C.S

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I think I might have a spare g&p one bud, If your at greenzone on saturday ill bring it with me if I can find it.

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Dont have pictures of onemy spare but here is one the exact same, The threads should be the same so should fit if you want an RIS/RAS thats not an ICS




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The delta rings sold by ant-supplies also work as well (I've got ICS sports lines with MOE hand guards), the wings on the barrel need to be filed off, and an end cap (not sure on exact name) will also be needed, also sold by ant-supplies.

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The delta rings sold by ant-supplies also work as well (I've got ICS sports lines with MOE hand guards), the wings on the barrel need to be filed off, and an end cap (not sure on exact name) will also be needed, also sold by ant-supplies.

thanks, will look it up!

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might not make it up tomorrow (weather dependent) but next time I am (should be wednesday night) ill leave it with fred or bobby

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