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The Polish Gear match.

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Hello there lads! been a year since I visited the website :'D a year and I finally became 18 years old, working my arse 24/7 came back into the starting hobby of Airsofting, earned money and decided to buy some gear, as a proud Polish countrymen I decided to buy Polish uniform ((Well mostly the CPU Shirt as I had trousers back from 2012)) and a patch ((yet no bloody idea where to position it properly as you will see in the picture)) Now that I have some clothing I am rather lost on what vest and headgear to buy to match the clothing/camouflage and truly speaking... Not looking too stupid,

For time being I bought a simple Mil-Tec Mag Carrier Chest Rig ((olive)) but not rather fan of it so I decided to buy something better.


Does any one has any suggestions on what vest and headgear to buy to match my uniform?


Here is the picture :)

http://i.imgur.com/0e0AW9w.png ((Power of Photoshop, don't judge me for it :P))

Thank you!


EDIT: I have found a Polish website that has vest's with wz.93 Pantera so it will be 100% match up to my one, here is a link http://www.miwo-military.pl/?p=8.635.'BOA'.A-15.MIWO-MILITARY | http://www.miwo-military.pl/?p=8.1352.'KST-12'.A-18.MIWO-MILITARY ((By headgear I mean hats/helmets))

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helmet cover




that chest rig in your 1st link will go loose as you take mags out of it

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helmet cover




that chest rig in your 1st link will go loose as you take mags out of it

Thank you :D that helmet will fit perfectly, I didnt know there is one on ebay, looked everywhere for one. Alltho too bad there aint PASGT's sold anywhere, well most likely there will be but finding a cover for PASGT with wz.93 Pantera is going to be difficult, I know Polish Army has its own helmet but it looks very similar to PASGT


How comes the vest will get loose O.o


EDIT: Wanted to ask if anyone knows.... Will this cover fit any helmet types or certain ones only? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Helmet-Cover-WZ-93-Polish-Army-/261169865240?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cceefe218

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The vest gets loose because it can only be tight across your belly with the mags in their pouches. As you take them out to shoot and put the empties in a dump pouch, the vest goes slack. You could put the empties back in their vest pouches, but that takes a lot of time.


I think that cover you linked to is made for a specific helmet, but so long as the helmet you put it on is smaller than the helmet it was made for, it should tighten up with the string under the helmet rim.

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Yeah, that vest looks fine to carry most magazines. What weapon/s are you using?

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Yeah, that vest looks fine to carry most magazines. What weapon/s are you using?

at the moment none, havent played yet and dont have UKARA but going into a site in 2 weeks and gonna rent one.

Planning to buy any AK from 47/74 AKMS and so on and than going to scout places that I can buy the rare Ares Beryl.


Might sound stupid why I get so prepared even tho I never had a match yet, Im into this hobby/sport a lot, always wanted to do it and as a first time player I do not want to look stupid with some trousers from JD or something lol

Do you think spare batteries will fit into any of the pouches as well?

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Check this out. I had the CM028U, but this is the only type left in stock. The internals are the same in both guns and they are really excellent for range and accuracy. You would be best to check but I have heard that we do not have to pay customs charges to import airsoft guns from Poland and gunfire.pl have some of the best prices I have seen. The newer full metal CYMA AK's also have a very good reputation.


Those pouches look about the same size as the ones on Web-tex British DPM vests so they will carry 2 AK mags each easily. They will also carry 8.4V NiMh stick batteries, but a 9.6V stick would be a bit too big.


Good luck with the Beryl :)

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Check this out. I had the CM028U, but this is the only type left in stock. The internals are the same in both guns and they are really excellent for range and accuracy. You would be best to check but I have heard that we do not have to pay customs charges to import airsoft guns from Poland and gunfire.pl have some of the best prices I have seen. The newer full metal CYMA AK's also have a very good reputation.


Those pouches look about the same size as the ones on Web-tex British DPM vests so they will carry 2 AK mags each easily. They will also carry 8.4V NiMh stick batteries, but a 9.6V stick would be a bit too big.


Good luck with the Beryl :)

Thanks :) However throw something at me with bigger price :D I'm ready to spend a lot on my first gun ((electric than moving out to GBB)) I see that you understand where Im trying to get :)

Im trying to get as much as possible "Polish Soldier" look without a Beryl at the moment so any AK will work ((Circa 2000's/1990's up)) possibly going out of the topic from the clothing but I guess I can add that up to the topic as well.


EDIT: Edited the topic name so right now on, all I will need is a weapon to match my beloved countrymen look!


Currently have:

Helikon CPU Shirt

Helikon Polish Trousers

Helikon Polish Combat Hat - ((Will replace with Polish Rogatywka in wz.93 Pantera http://www.miwo-military.pl/?p=8.1571.ROGATYWKA.K-40.MIWO-MILITARY))

Bunch of Polish Patches :D


In shopping list:


Integrated Vest - http://www.miwo-military.net/-produkty/pid,563/KAMIZELKA-ZINTEGROWANA

Vest - http://www.miwo-military.pl/?p=8.1352

Rogatywka ((Hat with matching camo)) - http://www.miwo-military.pl/?p=8.1571.ROGATYWKA.K-40.MIWO-MILITARY

Any type of AK


As you see I have no AK that I can come up with, I do not mean AKMS, AK 74 or AK 47 what I mean is the company that makes one etc, Im looking for any AK that is good and reliable for a good price, im up to spend 300 pounds for my beginning AK! ((That is when I get my UKARA license of course :P, I do wonder if it is worth buying a two toned decent AK and than buy new completely better AK with UKARA or just keep on renting from the site...?))

Any ideas for the gun?


Once again thanks for helping me out Ian! very helpful!


EDIT: Haha! Found the beryl! straight on gunfire.pl http://gunfire.pl/product-eng-1152196875--BERYL-wz-96-assault-rifle-replica.html however Im not planning to buy it as my first weapon, I dont want to have it as my first rifle for various reasons, I think I should get into airsoft more with rather differ AK's so in case I do not break it or get bored of it so easily. One reason is because my local site FPS rule is 328... FPS with that kind of gun would of be a waste... I will simply need a beginner weapon that wont break easily yet is great in accuracy and so on.

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If you fit this with a tight bore barrel, H nub and new hop rubber it should be excellent. It will be bomb proof too.


This should be very good out of the box, but might not last so long if you take it apart often.


This is probably better though. You could always fit a RIS and modern looking stock.


For a Beryl you could ask Ares directly: [email protected] Customer Services - she is called "Crystal"

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I like the ICS AK 74 and Cyma, which one do you recommend to buy by any chance?

By the way the "tight bore barrel, H nub and new hop rubber"... Made my brain melt, would you mind explaining what you mean?


I actually been wondering... Buy a good rifle in two-tone and when gain UKARA License buy parts to re-make it into a fully replica looking rifle? I believe zerooneairsoft.com does that even for GBB's? ((Yes yes I know electric is the priority!))

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I'm really not sure. I have an ICS AKS-74U and it was great until last weekend... it died (but I bought it used). Not yet sure what's wrong with it.


My CYMA CM028U was the best firing gun I've had so far, but the receiver is plastic. These new metal CYMA's may well be a lot more solid. bigshep had one for sale so maybe ask him what he thinks.

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Nice to see Polish camo around. Miwo also do digital pantera, which is quite an interesting pattern.

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Nice to see Polish camo around. Miwo also do digital pantera, which is quite an interesting pattern.

Might upgrade to the digital pantera one day, the digital one is still however not in used in Polish Army, wonder why. Even tho Im more of a normal camouflage fan

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Hey Alphabet, check this out :)


before 13:45:10 today 07/06/13

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Hey Alphabet, check this out :)


before 13:45:10 today 07/06/13

Thanks will add into bookmarks however I've found out about Mich TC-2000, it looks similar to Polish helm wz.2005 Might need to look around UK sites that sell it.


Well now gotta work my arse off till next friday for my payment and than buy the rest of stuff, wait for it to arrive, get my safety glasses with prescription lenses inserted and will be ready to go... That... Will take a bit of time. The safety glasses are my priority, cant play without them so might get that done first AND go for a airsoft match, two of my good ol' mates want to go with me so I cannot wait!


Ah oh... Darn forgot about knee pads etc, well adding into shopping list...

Should of start buying stuff way before lol

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if you need a help with polish gear sent me pm (you can write in polish ), about beryl if you got £500-£ 600 you can buy one made by Lucznik or try to buy custom one in Poland which will cost you around £200-300 they are all second hand., non other AEG guns maker don't make the beryl so if you really want to have right gun then you need to spent some money,

All ak gun are very different from beryl

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Thanks fella, site helped a lot.


I do not mind spending some money but I prefer to buy something new :)

Didn't know lucznik makes AEG's O.o I thought they make the real deal only...


Its rather not hard for me to research about what gear real Polish Army uses since Im Polish so I can go into Polish site but its problematic when you cant find what you need for airsoft >.<

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