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loadout help

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What area would you be playing in? Find a camo which works well for that area and start there.


If by Recon you mean a player running ahead of every one else to see whats going on and just take ground, you may want to go with something low drag such as a chest rig with just a few magazine pouches etc.

This would keep your weight down and make sprinting ahead a bit easier.


If instead your wanting to go ahead, scout out positions and observe, in a weekender or Milsim event for example, you may benefit from using a set of webbing as this would allow you to carry more ammo,supplies such as rations and batteries whilst making it more comfortable to lay in the prone position when you're hiding in foilage mate!


My current loadout is the latter and is based on a picture of a USMC Force Recon group I saw :






Boonies are comfortable and great for breaking up the shape of the human head too.

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