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Urgently need help - ICS L85A2 Trigger Problem

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Hi all,


I'm having a major problem with my ICS L85A2 trigger system that is preventing the rifle functioning.


I, perhaps unwisely in hindsight, unscrewed the bolt holding the trigger into receiver and noticed after doing this that there was a loose spring piece that had clearly come from somewhere inside - but I do not know where. The trigger will not function properly anymore because of this spring coming loose.


The metal flathead screw I unscrewed (centre of screen)...





The spring piece...





I haven't the first clue where it's meant to be. I haven't tried fitting the rifle back together and firing it to see if it works without it because I do not want to risk any damage to the rifle, but the trigger doesn't have the same depth of movement when you squeeze it anymore so clearly it isn't sitting properly without this spring.


Can someone who owns the ICS L85A2 please help me out and direct me to where this spring is meant to sit, what it is meant to be attached to, what it's supposed to do etc. Photos of the spring in its location would be absolutely fantastic. I'm afraid to unscrew/disassemble anything else on it incase I start causing more problems...


I would be extremely grateful as my favourite rifle is now out of action and I don't have a clue where to start with regards to fixing it, even though it's just a lowly spring. :(


Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help.



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Hmm, I generally tell people I can help with anything ICS L85 related, but this is a new one.

That's one screw that I would never dream of unscrewing, so I've no idea how the trigger itself goes together...


The entire trigger mechanism which sits behind the trigger can be taken out in one block piece, you just need to undo a single screw that sits at the back of it. If you undo that screw and remove the trigger mech, then you might be able to see the back of the trigger itself and the safety bar, which might make it clearer what's wrong and where it ought to go.


Aside from that, I don't know how else I can help. I don't really want to unscrew my trigger in case I get stuck in the same boat.

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Thanks for the reply.


I know, I feel completely idiotic for unscrewing it. One of those things you immediately regret once you've done it. I will see about unscrewing that section and having a look but the problem is it will be hard to know where it's meant to go without having a correct version to compare it to. Once I crack it open I'm sure I'll be able to make some semi-educated guesses and and see if it fits in anywhere and makes the trigger operate correctly but it will be a hard one.


Really annoyed with myself for this. If I can't get it working myself I'll contact Fire Support. I really don't have any other alternative. I'm sure buying an entire lower receiver or trigger system or whatever wouldn't be cost-effective. I know they offer repair and upgrade services so perhaps they'd be able to fix it. It's such a simple problem, a spring coming loose, yet one that completely disables the entire rifle. Fire Support sells triggers loose with the exact type of spring in my picture alongside so clearly they must have an obvious placement (if you are in the know), but I'm sure that's the kind of information I'd have to pay for via repair - unless of course anyone else can chime in?


Anyway, I'll have another look when I next get time off work.



Understandable, wouldn't want this to happen to yours as well. That said I believe the reason mine came loose was because, as if I hadn't been stupid enough already, I wasn't keeping the receiver level in a horizontal position (if that makes sense) which meant gravity probably helped it on its way out.



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Quick update.


Haven't had a chance to remove the trigger block yet, but I re-screwed the trigger screw in and the trigger appears to be sitting proper again. It was functioning properly. I reassembled the receivers and put a battery in and nervously attempted to dry fire a single shot. It works! Quick burst on full-auto and sure enough it's working fine. Haven't had a chance to test-fire it with BBs yet though.


I'm not going to force it any longer though. That little spring must have had a purpose - else why bother putting it into the gun? Sure it's firing fine right now, but does anyone with technical knowledge of triggers know if it could cause long-term damage by using the rifle without it?


I apologise if I'm coming across as a bit stupid here, but the technical internals of the rifles (especially trigger systems) are really, really not my area of knowledge - as you can likely tell!


Thanks again in advance if anyone can help.

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If it's working without it, then I see no way that you could be damaging the trigger mechanism by using it as it is. The gearbox and electronics are in no way linked to the trigger mech. Well they are... But not in a way that would cause you problems.

If the trigger mech breaks for whatever reason, you can buy the whole box from Fire-Support for around £23, so that's your worst case scenario. But I'd wager it'll be fine.

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Sounds good. Sometimes you just need a bit of reassurance when dealing with expensive things like these!



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