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M16 VN........which is best?

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HI all,


I am looking at getting an M16 VN, always wanted one so its time to get shopping! budget is not a massive restriction (to a sensible degree!) but getting a good quality, solid weapon that will last a good amount of time (with little upgrading) would be good.


I have started looking and found a few examples, each with a mixture of good/bad/indifferent reviews...........I am now not sure whichComapny to go with!


There is the potential to buy a TM M16VN from a friend...... so that is an option as well as what is available commercially.


any thoughts/advice will be well recieved :)





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What M_P said.


The G&P one isn't too highly priced IMO and it has the same solid internals that all G&P AR15's have (except Hop unit).


So, if I were getting a M16VN I would definitely give that a go.

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