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Help Tac find an MTP daysack!

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So I'm buying a new day sack for when we get the kit change to MTP and I've not found much decent stuff under £40. Can anyone help me find an MTP/similar rucksack? atm I've narrowed it down to these 2:


Please post any finds, I'd like to get one quickly before I get distracted by some shiny new gadget :)

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I have the 50lt version of the Strum Mil-Tec one, used it in Cyprus for a 7 day exercise and it fell apart (holes in it from being lightly dragged, stiching comong undone etc), its ok for a day/weekend but not anything longer/more heavy duty, nor will it last a while. I'm looking at getting some form of Camelbak when i next get paid, but that will be well over £40 :L

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Thanks for warning me about the Sturm day sack; however, I'm not looking for something I can drag to hell and back in one piece.

All I really want in a daysack is something which can fit waterproofs/warm kit, has molle and looks vaguely multicam.

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Can i Just Say if you had £200 Get the KarrimorSF Tecmac 50 Litre it's well worth it aswell as being able to buy side's that'll conform to anything you want

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Get the issue one from eBay? Bound to be one on there cheap :P

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I've had a look on fleabay, but all the bargains seem to evaporate when I load up the site :(

One of my mates got an issue daysack for £20 on there once, not heard of or seen any other bargains though.

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i know their was one of the Issue one's (Also karrimorSF but the Size down from the 50Litre)


I'll try and get a Link to it but for less than £50 i'd think it'll go pretty damn fast

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Thanks craig, I'm able to wangle a few quid from elsewhere provided it doesn't get too expensive.

I have a nasty feeling that the auction you linked will rocket past the £50 marker, so I'll play it safe and go for one of these:


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