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Military 1st Problems

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Hi all,


Anybody had any problems ordering from military 1st recently. I placed an order at the beginning of the week but no sign of it yet. I have emailed them several times and had no reply. Any thoughts?



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Beginning of the week was a bank holiday so there may be a small back log of orders they are working through. I would suggest you call them. I've used them plenty of times before and never had an issue.

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My bad......forgot they didn't have a number. Not much you can do then until they reply to your emails. Have you had a "Your order has been dispatched" email yet?

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i Had them Charge me £200 twice and i wouldn't have known unless i checked my account and they had the cheek to make me wait 2+ week's before they refunded me my Money and i called them both week's to chase the Guy up! I'll go get the Number


the Phone Number is 01612230633

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Thanks this was really helpful. I rang them and they have sorted it out. Mental note to self, make sure you log in to Military1st website before you go through the Paypal checkout. They didn't have my order on their system. Incidentally, how did you get their number?

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