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G&P SR 16 gearbox

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Well i bought a new piston head, piston, gears and spring and decided to take my gearbox apart for the first time and fit the new internals.
Taking it apart goes smoothly and i successfully fit the new parts and follow some tutorials on assembling.
However, now when i fire the gun BBS don't seem to feed properly also they kind of just flop out of the end going maybe 15 feet before hitting the floor. and sometimes the trigger wont work on semi auto, safety and full auto seems to work but on semi it sometimes either sticks or pulls back with no effect thought occasionally it does fire.


So i open it up again check everything and refit, same problem so i just refitted all the stock internals to see if it was a new part causing the problem and it still has this same damn problem so now i am stumped and don't have a clue where to proceed.


Does anybody have any ideas or experience with the gearbox in these guns?

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Is the cylinder the right way round?

Is the nozzle located in the nozzle plate thingy ( carn't remember what it's called lol)

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